The sequel, I Am Legend 2: Last Chapter, picks up years after the events of the original film, exploring the world that has evolved in the wake of the Krippin Virus outbreak. The story introduces a new protagonist, played by Michael B. Jordan, who leads a community of survivors in a small, fortified settlement that has adapted to coexist in a dangerous world dominated by Darkseekers—humans turned into nocturnal, vampiric creatures due to the virus. Jordan’s character, Elijah, is driven by the hope of rebuilding a society where humans and Darkseekers can find balance.
The film also reintroduces Will Smith as Robert Neville, following an alternate ending from the first movie where Neville survived his encounter with the Darkseekers. Now living in relative isolation, Neville is haunted by guilt over his experiments on the infected and the lives lost. He carries with him the cure he developed, which he believes could change the fate of the remaining humans and perhaps even the infected.
When Elijah’s settlement is threatened by an organized group of evolved Darkseekers, who display intelligence and coordinated attacks, he seeks out Neville, whose scientific expertise and knowledge of the virus are crucial to their survival. Initially reluctant, Neville joins the fight, recognizing that the Darkseekers’ evolution challenges everything he thought he knew about them.
As they work together, Neville and Elijah discover that some of the infected are developing partial immunity and cognitive recovery, suggesting a new stage of the virus. This revelation sparks a moral dilemma: should they continue curing the infected or embrace this new evolution as part of humanity’s future? The film delves into themes of redemption, survival, and coexistence.
The climax sees Neville and Elijah leading a desperate mission to broker peace with the evolved Darkseekers while fending off a faction of humans who refuse to see the infected as anything but monsters. The story ends on a hopeful yet ambiguous note, leaving viewers questioning what it truly means to rebuild humanity in a changed world.