The story begins with a group of urban explorers embarking on a hike through the Appalachian Trail. Among them are Sarah, an ambitious documentary filmmaker; Ryan, her skeptical boyfriend; Emma, a thrill-seeker with a dark past; Jason, a tech-savvy adventurer; and Mia, a quiet but resourceful wilderness guide. The group sets out to document an abandoned mining town rumored to harbor dark secrets.
As they delve deeper into the forest, the group stumbles upon strange symbols carved into trees and ominous signs of habitation. Initially dismissing these as remnants of local superstition, they soon realize they are being watched. The group unwittingly enters the territory of a mysterious and reclusive community, the Shadowborn, who are fiercely protective of their land and have sinister methods of dealing with outsiders.
Unlike the inbred cannibals of earlier installments, the Shadowborn are portrayed as a cult-like group, driven by a twisted sense of justice and survivalism. They believe the outside world has doomed humanity and seek to create a self-sustaining society, by any means necessary.
As tensions rise, Sarah and her friends are captured and subjected to a harrowing trial by the Shadowborn. The cult leader, a charismatic but ruthless figure known as Elias, offers them a horrifying choice: join their community through initiation or face gruesome punishment. With survival on the line, the group must navigate moral dilemmas, hidden agendas, and their own fears to escape the forest alive
The film’s second half is a relentless fight for survival as alliances shift and secrets unravel. Mia, the quiet guide, reveals a personal connection to the cult, complicating their escape plans. Sarah’s resolve is tested as she must confront her deepest fears and make unthinkable sacrifices to save herself and her friends.