The 2024 action-horror film Werewolves, directed by Steven C. Miller and starring Frank Grillo, offers a gripping blend of survival and supernatural terror. The story is set in a world reeling from the devastating effects of a “supermoon” event that occurred a year prior. This astronomical phenomenon triggered a dormant gene in humans, transforming anyone exposed to moonlight into savage werewolves for one night. The result was catastrophic, with nearly a billion casualties and society descending into chaos.
Now, as another supermoon looms, humanity scrambles to prevent history from repeating itself. Grillo’s character leads the charge in a desperate fight to protect his family and the remnants of civilization. The film’s tension escalates as survivors fortify themselves against the impending wave of werewolf transformations. Alongside Grillo, the movie features performances by Katrina Law, Ilfenesh Hadera, and Lou Diamond Phillips, adding depth to this high-stakes thriller.
With a premise reminiscent of The Purge, the movie combines intense action sequences and horror elements. Practical effects crafted by Alec Gillis and Tom Woodruff Jr., known for their work on the Alien and Predator franchises, bring the werewolves to life in a visceral and chilling manner. This approach pays homage to traditional monster films while delivering a fresh narrative twist.
The story’s central themes explore survival, human resilience, and the lengths individuals will go to protect their loved ones in an apocalyptic scenario. The escalating dread of the returning supermoon ensures a suspenseful viewing experience, making Werewolves a must-watch for fans of action-packed horror.