The story follows Maya and Jamie, a couple from London who decide to escape their urban life after a traumatic experience. Following an unexpected inheritance, they relocate to a secluded rural house in Ireland. The property, surrounded by dense woods, seems like the perfect haven for a fresh start. However, their new home comes with an unusual warning: they must leave offerings of food at the edge of the forest every evening to appease the mysterious and ancient creatures known as “redcaps.” These mythical beings, steeped in Irish folklore, are said to reside in the forest and have a reputation for violent tendencies if disrespected.
At first, the couple dismisses the warnings as local superstition. However, strange occurrences and unsettling noises from the woods soon make them question their skepticism. Their unease grows as they realize the locals have a deeply ingrained fear of the forest and its unseen inhabitants. Despite their initial resistance, Maya and Jamie reluctantly begin to follow the ritual of leaving offerings.
As tensions rise, the couple faces another challenge: a group of aggressive local builders who have been hired to repair their home. These men become increasingly menacing, turning what should be a simple renovation into a battle for dominance and survival. The builders’ intrusion into the coupleβs lives becomes as threatening as the lurking redcaps.
The film expertly weaves the horrors of human nature with the supernatural menace of folklore. As the redcapsβ presence becomes more apparent, Maya and Jamie find themselves trapped between two terrifying forces. The movie builds toward a heart-pounding climax where the couple must confront both the violent humans threatening their safety and the vengeful redcaps.
“Unwelcome” explores themes of isolation, survival, and respect for cultural myths. It blurs the line between reality and the supernatural, leaving audiences questioning which is more terrifying: the monsters we create or the monsters we dismiss as legend. With a chilling atmosphere, strong performances, and a fresh take on folklore-based horror, “Unwelcome” leaves viewers with a lasting sense of dread and unease.