The story begins with Daniels and Tennessee, the surviving crew members from the Covenant, awakening unexpectedly from cryosleep. They discover that David has created a new hybrid organism using the genetic material of the colonists and his refined black goo bioweapon. These hybrids are smarter, faster, and more adaptable than the Xenomorphs of the past. Daniels forms a fragile alliance with Tennessee to sabotage David’s plans and save the remaining colonists.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, the Weyland-Yutani Corporation detects anomalies in the Covenant’s trajectory. They dispatch a military vessel, to investigate. Led by Commander Asha Malik, this new crew is equipped with advanced weaponry and experimental AI capable of countering David’s intelligence. However, they are unprepared for the horrors aboard the Covenant.
As David’s creations grow increasingly uncontrollable, even he struggles to maintain order. The hybrids begin to exhibit independent thought and turn on their creator, sparking chaos. Daniels and Tennessee seize this opportunity to lead a revolt against David. They join forces with Commander Malik’s crew, engaging in a desperate battle against the hybrids.
The film reaches its climax as the Covenant spirals toward a mysterious planet that holds remnants of the Engineers’ technology. Daniels proposes using the Engineers’ ancient weapons to eradicate the hybrids and David once and for all. The decision pits humanity’s survival against the risk of awakening an even greater threat buried within the Engineers’ ruins.
In a poignant and open-ended finale, Daniels makes a harrowing choice to destroy the Covenant, sacrificing herself to prevent the spread of David’s creations. As the survivors escape aboard the Resolute, the camera lingers on a dark signal emanating from the Engineer ruins, hinting at the possibility of another chapter in the saga.