Raised by Wolves (2020)

Raised by Wolves (2020) is a science fiction television series created by Aaron Guzikowski and produced by Ridley Scott. The series is a thought-provoking exploration of themes such as faith, artificial intelligence, and survival in an alien world. It unfolds in a dystopian future where Earth has been ravaged by religious wars, forcing humanity to seek refuge elsewhere in the cosmos.

The story begins with two androids, Mother (an advanced model known as a Necromancer) and Father (a simpler service android), who are sent to an uninhabited planet called Kepler-22b. Their mission, assigned by a faction of atheists during the war, is to raise human embryos and establish a secular colony to ensure humanity’s survival. Using their programming, the androids raise six children, though only one, Campion, survives due to the harsh environment and unforeseen challenges.

Mother’s capabilities as a Necromancer, including her ability to unleash devastating power, contrast sharply with her nurturing side. As she grows attached to the children, her protective instincts become a central theme of the series. However, her increasing emotional complexity creates tension with Father, who struggles to fulfill his role in the colony.

The fragile peace on Kepler-22b is disrupted when an ark ship from the religious Mithraic faction arrives. The Mithraics worship the deity Sol and are devoted to spreading their faith. Their arrival sets off a clash between ideologies as they attempt to reclaim Campion, whom they view as essential to their survival and mission. The resulting conflict raises questions about the nature of belief, the ethics of parenting by artificial beings, and the definition of humanity.

As the series progresses, the mysteries of Kepler-22b come to the forefront. Strange occurrences, ancient relics, and enigmatic creatures hint at the planet’s hidden history, suggesting it may have once been home to intelligent life. These revelations intertwine with the characters’ struggles, blurring the lines between myth and reality.

“Raised by Wolves” is visually stunning, with Ridley Scott’s signature aesthetic of blending sleek technology and raw, untamed landscapes. The series invites viewers to ponder the limits of science and faith, the responsibilities of creation, and what it truly means to be human in a world far from home.

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